Guided Botanic Tour through Lido with J. A. Šturma
Sunday, September 6, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting point - Starý most, Petržalka side, public transport stop
The guided tour will be one of the events of a two-day intensive botanical and landscape survey of Bratislava’s Lido area, which comprises an interesting mosaic of alluvial forests, suburban vegetation, river bank biotopes and purely urban spaces. When walking through the most interesting parts of Lido I will try to outline its “natural history” and the context of the landscape, to show its most valuable biotopes and significant botanic findings and to suggest how to treat this area – from the perspective of a biologist.
J.A. Šturma (*1981 in Prague)
graduated with a degree in geobotany from the Faculty of Sciences of Charles University in Prague. He has been working with the botany and ecology of urban and suburban spaces for many years. However, he is also interested in less common brownfields on this side of the former Iron Curtain, the flora of the Sudetenland and the application of geobotany in town planning. Currently he cooperates with the CityUpgrade architectural studio, and the project Medzioborový design rozvoja miest (Interdisciplinary Town Development Design, Technická Agentura České Republiky / Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). He is also a researcher at the Faculty of Sciences of Charles University. Along with geologist R. Mikuláš he wrote the book, Divoká příroda Prahy a blízkého okolí: průvodce tou částí pražské přírody, o kterou se nikdo nestará, málokdo ji zná a skoro nikdo ji nemá rád (The Wild Nature of Prague and Its Vicinity: a Guide through Those Parts of Prague’s Nature that Nobody Takes Care of, that Is Only Known by a Few and that Almost Nobody Likes)which was published by the Academia Publishing House and examines similar landscapes such as Bratislava’s Lido.
Event is part of the Urban Imagination Seminar which aims at reflecting the right to the city from various, not exclusively, human perspectives.
Photo credits: Andrea Kalinová
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit. Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Nadácia mesta Bratislavy.