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Saturday, 19 October 2024, 5 pm
tranzit, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

Open: Thu-Fri, 2:30-6:30 pm

The discussion will be moderated by Liberty Blake Simon.

Event will be held in Slovak language.

Independent cultural spaces are not only venues for performative expressions or exhibition spaces for artistic production. They serve as places of encounter, discussion, polemics, shared experience and community formation. By their very nature, then, independent cultural and artistic institutions or organisations cannot exclude anyone, even if they do not always bring content to the widest audience. By promoting diversity, they are also often islands of freedom in an unfree or unfree society.

With the invited guest we will discuss how independent culture can become a good ally for LGBTI+ people, how cultural spaces and environments can become both safer and even more open, and what this means and entails. How to shape an inclusive society precisely through the tools of independent culture? We will also reflect on how to communicate this openness (safely and clearly), both towards the inside of organisations and institutions and towards the public. We will also look at how independent culture is affected by the truncation of the human rights of queer people, and how attacks on independent culture have, in turn, affected LGBTI+ people? Bohunka Koklesová, the rector of VŠVU, Eva Križková, director and director of FF One World, and artist Erik Hearty, who will make the evening after the debate more enjoyable with an acoustic concert, have accepted the invitation to participate in the discussion.


Bohunka Koklesová works at the Department of Theory and History of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. She is engaged in pedagogical, scientific and curatorial work. In the field of pedagogical work, she deals with the history of art of the 19th and 20th centuries, the history and theory of photography and visual culture. In the field of research, he has long been involved in the study of totalitarian regimes, which he extends towards cultural studies, especially memory studies.

Eva Križková graduated in film studies at the Faculty of Film Studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and in the past she has been involved in the founding and management of projects such as Filmtopia and the KINEČKO magazine. Since 2019, she has been working as the director of the One World International Documentary Film Festival in Slovakia and recently released her documentary debut Vtáčnik as a director.

Erik Hearty je spevák, gitarista a songwriter pochádzajúci z Trenčína. Svoje gitarové zručnosti nadobudol na Vysokej škole múzických umení v Bratislave. V jeho tvorbe spája prvky viacerých žánrov ale predovšetkým soul, pop, jazz, r’n’b alebo folk. Na konte má spolupráce s umelcami - Jana Kirschner, Nora Ibsenová, Oliver Kucharovič, Michal Cálik, Blame your genes a ďalší. Erikovi sa podarilo získať prvé miesto na Demovnici rádia FM a Cenu za muzikálny výkon v súťaži Nové tváre slovenského jazzu. V júli 2021 pokrstil svoj debutový album s názvom Utópia a v marci 2023 vydal druhý album s názvom Child.

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The discussion is held as an accompanying event to the exhibition OVER THE RAINBOW by Tomáš Rafa and the program of the One World Film Festival.

The event is implemented within the project "PRIDEme to Regional Cities 2024". It is supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council.

The discussion was created in cooperation with the Saplinq civic association and the One World Film Festival.

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