public reading and discussion in the framework of the Start and Finish exhibition
Art and Work Reading Group:
Judit Angel, Petra Balíková, Kristína Kállayová, Eliška Mazalanová, Petr Mezihorák, Kristína Országhová
May 23, 2018 at 6pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
How are the network society, project-based production and precarity related? What are the consequences of the diffusion of work into life? What does self-precarisation mean, especially in terms of art and education? Why does generalized insecurity weaken social ties and affect the collective structures of solidarity, mutual care and defense?
These are just a few of the questions one might ask when addressing the increasingly deceptive situation facing today‘s cultural workers and the paradoxical status of art institutions striving to satisfy the expectations of funding bodies, maintain professional standards, and perform compensatory functions with regard to the production of sociality, communality.
During the public session of the Art & Work Reading Group we will read and discuss selected texts by Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello, Bojana Kunst and Anthony Davies and debate the current condition of art workers and art institutions as well as forms of resistance, tactics of disobedience and practices of change.
Facebook event
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit. This project has been supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council.
Jaroslav Kyša, Work, 2013, intervention in public space, Karl Marx grave - Highgate cemetery, London, United Kingdom