Armin Medosch: Art and Technopolitics / Kristian Lukić: Autonomies
Technopolitics Salon
Armin Medosch: Art and Technopolitics / Kristian Lukić: Autonomies
Lectures & discussion moderated by Katarína Gatialová
June 11th, 2015, 6 pm
Beskydská 12, 81105 Bratislava
The lectures and discussion will be held in English
Armin Medosch: Art and Technopolitics
This theoretical and methodological lecture explains why a technopolitical understanding of social change is necessary for contemporary theories of art and media. The central point is that a technopolitical understanding of history is a necessary ingredient of any theory of art, or of art and media. The technopolitics of an era is not just a context or background of the art of an era but shares with it its inner structure and meaning. Technopolitics is not an objective phenomenon but synonym for a theory of history, an organicist model that seeks to consider art, media, economics and politics, in their interactions, without denying that there are also significant differences between those areas.
Technopolitical paradigms are the expressions of those structural wholes, two-way lenses that use history to better understand art and art to better understand history. This particular lecture focuses on the paradigm change that led to the transition from Fordism to the informational paradigm, aka network society, and on the art movements, groups and collectives on both sides of this divide.
About: Technopolitics is the title of the art, research and education project jointly developed by Armin Medosch, Brian Holmes since 2009, with Technopolitics Working Group meetings in Vienna, Since 2011, with Gerald Nestler, Felix Stalder, Ina Zwerger, Sylvia Eckermann, Axel Stockburger, John Barker, Kristian Lukić, a.o.. Timeline (in German):
Kristian Lukić: Autonomies
The lecture will provide a short overview of history of ideas of the concept of autonomy in technoecological sense; autonomous technologies and human autonomies in the networked world. The main premise is that human and technological actors are being co-produced throughout the history, rather than the one had exclusive impact on another.
The lecture is the result of researches, exhibitions and workshops done by the Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies - Napon under the umbrella name Autonomies, from 2011 till 2014. One of the main goals of the project was to analyze how art tackled the question of technology.
Armin Medosch, PhD, MA, is Professor of Theory and History of Art and Media at the Faculty of Media and Communications at Singidunum University, Belgrade. He is an artist, curator and author working in art and media art theory and network culture. His work as curator includes exhibitions such as Waves (Riga, 2006; Dortmund, 2008); and Fields (Riga Culture Capital 2014). He is initiator of the Technopolitics working group in Vienna and initiator and maintainer of the cooperative web-space His book under the tentative title “New Tendencies – Art at the Threshold of the Information Revolution” is expected to be published by MIT Press in early 2016.
Kristian Lukić is curator, artist and researcher. He is a PhD fellow at Knowledge Cultures group at Leuphana University, Lüneburg and also a co-founder of Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies – Napon, from Novi Sad. He is working in the intersection of art, technology and politics. Recently he ran project Autonomies (2011 -2014), and project Art & Accumulation (2010), about the politics of accumulation of art works. As member of Eastwood – Real Time Strategy group he recently exibited at Transmediale 2015 with the modification Civilization 6 – Age of Warcraft, the last one in Eastwoods’ «trilogy». Previously he was program manager in New Media and curator of media practice in Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad.
Katarína Gatialová is art historian, curator, and graphic designer. She graduated in art history from the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University, Bratislava (MA, Political Poster in Slovakia, 1968-1989, 2009), and also in graphic design from Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava (BA). She currently works as a curator and a visual arts programmer at Nova synagoga and collaborates with Stanica Zilina-Zariecie cultural node. She is also a co-organiser of Multiplace festival.
/Image caption: Greenpeace,