výstava /
tranzit workshops, Studena 12, Bratislava
a project of the group XYZ (Matej Gavula & Milan Tittel, SK)
"... connecting via radio waves, broadcasting of phonoletters, projections, installations ...".
The project takes place in the frame of the festival Multiplace.
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výskum /
01.04.2005 - 02.04.2005
2 days research trip
of the Italian curator of the young generation, artistic director of Trussardi Foundation Milan, member of curatorial teams of Dakis Foundation, Manifesta 5, Berlin Biennale 2006, Wrong Gallery NYC, magazine Charley...
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prednáška & diskusia /
tranzit workshops, Studena 12, Bratislava
Clémentine Deliss, critic, curator, anthropologist, etnologist, pedagogue
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výstava /
23.03.2005 - 17.04.2005
tranzit workshops, Studena 12, Bratislava
Najväčšia výstava UFOnauts Juliusa Kollera tu a v blízkom univerze
maľby, performancie, inštalácie, videá
miesto rekonštrukcia.
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prednáška & diskusia /
tranzit workhops, Studena 12, Bratislava
panel debate
the 2nd in the series of panels on the context of institutional interaction with public, this time on reflexion of arts in periodicals.
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20.01.2005 - 20.02.2005
project with
Badreldin Rashid, At | Baffi David, Sk | Bartošová Andrea, Sk | Bodorová Mária, Sk | Bošanská Petra, Sk | Czinege Michal, Sk | Hanvald David, Cz | Mrvová Juliana, Sk | Mulabegovič Amar, Cz | Oliwa Margareta, At | Sedlák Martin, Sk | ille Erik, Sk
- students of art academies from Bratislava, Prague and Vienna
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prednáška & diskusia /
03.12.2004, 17:00
tranzit dielne | workshops
Studena 12, Bratislava - Zlate Piesky
Kathrin Rhomberg (AT / DE)
Riaditelka, Kölnischer Kunstverein
Igor Zabel (SI)
kurator a kritik, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
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prednáška & diskusia /
29.11.2004 - 01.12.2004
tranzit.sk | všmu | ffuk
uvádzajú workshop
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tranzit.sk, space - Galeria Priestor for contemporary arts, Galeria Jana Koniarka and Dudas for contemporary arts
otvorenie 2 vystav
Synagoga – Centrum Sucasneho Umenia, Halenarska ul., Trnava
Otvorenie: 25.11.2004, 18:00 – 19:30
2.) TOMU VER, TY .....
tranzit dielne, Studena 12, Bratislava
Otvorenie: 25.11.2004, 21:00 -
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prednáška & diskusia /
21.10.2004, 16:00
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 17, Bratislava
René Block
riaditeľ Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel
Balkan and Others
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prednáška & diskusia /
19.06.2004, 15:00
Nulty Priestor a4 / Burundi (ex v-klub), Nam. snp 12, Bratislava
Robert Fleck (at/f/de), riaditel Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
Thomas Hirschhorn (ch/f), umelec, Pariz
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prednášky, otvorené diskusné fóra, premietania /
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