
Toolkit for Resistance

Real-life activism experience / Presentations and discussion forums /

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Towards other possible artworlds

Lectures, discussion forums, screenings /

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Matter is a verb

Workshop with Anetta Mona Chişa on crafting stories for materials /

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River Ceremony / Listening to the Plants Symposium

Performance by Lucie Králíková at Karloveská zátoka /

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Rooting Studies / Listening to the Plants Symposium

Workshop with Daniela Brasil /

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Daisies (Becoming a garden/ a plant/ a transplant) / Listening to the Plants Symposium

performance by Jana Zatvarnická and Zuzana Žabková performance at park of Faculty of Pharmacy /

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Listening to the Plants

Symposium curated by Judit Angel and Lýdia Pribišová / Organized by and Kunsthalle Bratislava /

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Samčo, brat dážďoviek + Vlčia Mačica / garden concert at the exhibition Listening to the Waterfalls of the Sun

Finissage, guided tour and music performance /

July 12, 2023, tranzit

6 p.m. guided tour of the exhibition Listening to Waterfalls of the Sun by curator Flóra Gadó

7 p.m. concert

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Kasha Potrohosh: Springformance

Music performance /

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Saodat Ismailova: Her Right

Study Room Project /

9. 5. – 14. 7. 2023
Study Room Project / projection:
Saodat Ismailova: Her Right (2020, 14 mins)

9. 5. & 6. 6. 2023, 6 p.m.
Saodat Ismailova: 40 Days of Silence (2014, 88 mins)

11. 5. 2023, 6 p.m.
Online discussion
Saodat Ismailova & Alessandra Pomarico

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Open Call | Foresta Collective - Ecologies of Attention

A sympoetic experience of conviviality with plants / collective practice /

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When You Find It, We’ll Let You Know / Studio vvv (Department of Intermedia, AFAD)

Launch of publication and public program /

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Kasha Potrohosh: Body scars

Music performance /

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Carmen Dobre-Hametner: Untitled

Study room project / photo installation /

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Francisco Huichaqueo Pérez: Kalül Trawün. An action out of tenderness to heal

Study room project /

From November 15, 2022 to January 27, 2023, study room screens the film Kalül Trawün – Reunion of the Body (2012, 24’) by the Mapuche-Chilean artist Francisco Huichaqueo Pérez. Alongside with the film we present the interview with the author taken by Natalia Cristofoletti Barrenha.

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Palárikova Street - 120 Years Together

On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the foundation of Zehnhaus Colony on Palárikova Street in Bratislava we want to look at the Colony’s history, architecture and community. On October 7 and 8, 2022, in and directly on the Palárikova´s street we will open a discussion about its potentiall and we will also create opportunities for the residents to become involved in the urban planning and community development of this street and its surroundings.

Public Discussion / October 7 from 6:00 p.m., Beskydská 12

Birthday Party / October 8 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., courtyards on Palárikova Street

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Petra Feriancová: Porifera

Study room project /

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A View from the Edge of a Pasture

International multidisciplinary symposium on ecological urban pastoralism co-organized by Kunsthalle Bratislava and /

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We Are All Emotional

Festival of performance art curated by and organized by Matter of Art in co-operation with Divadlo X10 /

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performance & residency output /

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Open Call: In the Steps of Kalo Dant

Artist in residence project open to 2 individual artists or artistic duos in Košice /

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Salzburg Summer Academy 2020

Call open until 15.3.2020 /

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What a body can do in times of climate crisis

lecture and discussion /

Exploring the relationship between performance and activism in the context of climate crisis

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Urban Imagination Seminar: Right to the City in Times of Climate Crisis

Presentation of the Thematic Cycle – Discussion and Performance /

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What a body can do

research cycle on performativity /

How performativity, in its various forms, can be used as a means of individual and social change?

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Do we need an Invisible museum?

Book presentation /

Which sort of institution could reach beyond the traditional ethnographic approach?

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Sissi Quartier

exhibition /

Project by
Polygon Creative Empire

Curated by
Judit Angel, Dóra Hegyi

Opening: February 14, 2019 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Duration: February 15, 2019 - April 14, 2019
Venue: Kunsthalle LAB, Bratislava

A project organized by in collaboration with and Kunsthalle LAB.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.

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Schools Without Walls

book launch /

January 10, 2019 at 6pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

We are pleased to announce the launch of the book Schools without Walls, created by artist Maj Horn and curator Lýdia Pribišová in collaboration with

We would also like to invite you to an informal celebration of the start of 2019!

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Nadikhuno muzeumos / Invisible Museum

at viennacontemporary 2018 /

a project initiated by
Oto Hudec
with the participation of
Robert Gabriš, Marcela Hadová & Marka romňakero gendalos, Oto Hudec, Daniela Krajčová, Emília Rigová

curated by
Judit Angel and Oto Hudec

dates: September 27-30, 2018
open: Thursday-Saturday 12-7 pm, Sunday 12-6 pm
venue: Marx Halle, Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19,A-1030 Vienna – booth A02/B01

A project organized by in collaboration with ERSTE Foundation for the occasion of viennacontemporary 2018.

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9th Futurological Congress, Bratislava Chapter

TALK TO ME! (The Future of Language) /

date: 22-23 September 2018, 15:00 - 20:00
venue: Slovak Radio Building, Mýtna 1, Bratislava

Organized by APART in cooperation with

Podujatie bude prebiehať v angličtine.

An iteration of The 9th Futurological Congress takes place in Bratislava at the auditorium of the Slovak Radio Building. The main interest Congress is to look at the future from several discrete perspectives, avoiding totalizing gestures or predictions.

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Susedenie na Šanci (#1)

discussion and planning of future activities in the neighbourhood /

June 28, 2018 at 6pm, Beskyská 12, Bratislava

Dominika Belanská, Mads Floor Andersen

The event will be conducted in Slovak and English.

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performance /

performance by

Zuzana Žabková

March 15, 2018, 18:00, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

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performance /

performance by

Maja Štefančíková

performers: Lucia Čarnecká, Veronika Dubravová, Simona Gottierová, Ivana Kleinová, Dominika Párnická, Viliam Slaminka, Maja Štefančíková, Dana Tomečková a Divadlo Atrapa (Dagmar Bordáková Labáthová, Tímea Čániová, Katarína Donáthová, Jakub Lazarčík, Adam Štrba)

28.2. 2018, 19:00, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

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Residency Under Investigation

Invited Artists:
Jaroslav Kyša, Jonatán Pastirčák, Nóra Ružičková, Maja Štefančíková, Hajnalka Tulisz

Participants of the R.U.I. Workshops:
Máté Dobokay, Dániel János Fodor, Dorottya Kalocsai, Lucia Čarnecká, Adam Novota, Nina Mikušková, Renata Pinterová, Martin Toldy, Anda Szűcs

Curatorial Team of the R.U.I.:
Eszter Lázár, Zsófia Kókai, Ráhel Anna Molnár, Lili Téglásy

Public events:
Thursday, September 14, 2017, 4-8 pm

4 pm, Open Studio & Exhibition Opening
6 pm, Short Presentations & Panel Discussion with the Following Guests:
Diana Majdáková (Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava), Zuzana Novotová Godálová (Nástupište 1-12, Topoľčany), Anna Ptak (Residencies at Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland), Svätopluk Mikyta & Zuzana Bodnárová ( Banská St a nica Contemporary, Banská Štiavnica)

exhibition dates: 19. - 23. 9. 2017
open: daily 2-7 pm
venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

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Give Us This Day Our Daily Porridge

happening - community cooking of porridge /

project by
Tomáš Uhnák

Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 10 am - 1 pm
Market at Žilinská, Žilinská 5, Bratislava

special guest:
Katarína Nádaská

11 – 12 am, discussion
Forming of National Identity Through Gastronomy

Get involved in cooking and/or bring your favorite ingredients for the porridge!

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The Call of the Wild

Date: December 2, 2015 at 6:00 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, in Bratislava
Project concept: Nóra Ružičková, Maja Štefančíková

Presentation of collaborative project entitled The Call of the Wild, which was held in March and October 2015 at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design and the City Market on Trnavské mýto.

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Kateřina Šedá / Bojárt Market

Discussion and presentation of the Bojárt Market project by Czech artist, Kateřina Šedá.

Date: 05 November 2015 at 6:00 PM
Venue: Café Berlinka, Slovak National Gallery (Esterhazy Palace, Ľudovít Štúr Square 4, Bratislava)

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Axel Braun

Towards an Understanding of Anthropocene Landscapes /

Axel Braun’s artistic research practice is concerned with human-altered landscapes. During his three day pop-up exhibition at the artist will present videos and collections of images resulting from his research activities.

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Bojárt Market

The project by Kateřina Šedá should revive the Market, make it more attractive and encourage new visitors, by game is inspired by the TV show Fort Boyard.

Video Bojárt Market:

read more / Best Before April 18th, 2015

A project by the Office of Cognitive Urbanism (OCU), Vienna (Andreas Spiegl & Christian Teckert) / is an art institution based on projects. Its program is defined by a series of projects inscribed in a temporary structure with openings and ends....

April 18th, 2015, 11 am – 11.30 am, 2 pm – 4 pm

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(. . .) Behind Togetherness #2

A project organized by Imago Mundi Foundation (Krakow)
in cooperation with Galeria HIT and

December 15th, 1 p.m.
Galeria HIT
Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18
Bratislava 811 03

Opening of (. . .) Behind Togetherness #2 and workshop of Mateusz Kula, Ambivalence of Warm Places


December 16th, 4p.m.
Beskydská 12
Bratislava 811 05

Workshop & discussion

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Ten days of discursive projects, performative lectures and yoga practice /

Artists: Cristina David (RO), Erdem Gündüz (TR), Barbara Holub (AT), Graziela Kunsch (BR), Brandon LaBelle (DE/US), Miklós Mécs in collaboration with Judit Fischer, Gábor Kristóf, András Zalavári (HU), School Club: Erik Janeček, Matej Myslovič, Peter Sit (SK)

18 November – 28 November 2014

Curated by:
Berit Fischer and Galeria HIT - Jaro Varga & Dorota Kenderová
in collaboration with

Project coordinators:
Jaro Varga, Dorota Kenderová, Judit Angel,
Lýdia Pribišová, Petra Balíková

Galeria HIT
Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18
Bratislava 811 03

Beskydská 12
Bratislava 811 05

Revolution Without Movement is an experimental and process based discursive project that brings together artistic proposals in contemporary art that aspire dialogue and direct action for positive change in society. It aims to critically rethink established forms of artistic engagement, surveying subtle and non-manipulated forms of resistance to hegemonic powers and looks at artistic approaches that challenge the neoliberal commodification of art and the notions of ‘reputation based economy’ with its emphasis on symbolic capital.

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The Event 2011 / Symposion

Encomiums in Praise of Love /

The Event 2011



Encomiums in Praise of Love
by Symposiasts

Clementine Deliss, Karl Holmqvist, Jiří Kovanda, Maria Lindberg, Christian Rätsch, Emily Roysdon, Rasha Salti, Ruti Sela, Jan Verwoert and Plato,

symposiarched by

Boris Ondreička,

Saturday, 22 October 2011, 7pm
The Studio at Fairbridge
79 Warwick Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B12 0NH

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Zuzana Flimelová / Martin Melicherčík / Ivan Svoboda /
Vás pozýva / invites you to

Zuzana Flimelová
Martin Melicherčík
Ivan Svoboda

otvorenie / opening:
SEPTEMBER 10. 2011 o 19.00

trvanie / duration: 11.9.-18.9.2011

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Filling Holes

project /

APRIL 14 - 15, 2007 OD | FROM 09.00

Selected artists are invited to fill holes in the fence of area of Studena 12.

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news / has chosen 8 nominees for the Project Grants 2004

Results of judging of the jury will be publicaly annouced on final event of festival Multiplace on April 8, 2004 at 8 p.m. at A4 center.

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Multiplace 3

cooperation /

31.3.-8.4.2004 takes part on MULTIPLACE 3:

Multiplace is the unique festival for new media art and culture - new technologies in arts and culture, cyber-culture, net art, robotics, medialabs, virtual reality, digital film, videoart, VJing, ambient, electronica, digital prints, web, interactivity, gender studies, sound & music, design... In 2002 several cultural organizations put together the program of the festival`s first issue, realising thus the main idea of notable common presentation of new media in Slovakia.

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KHOJ Workshop, India

news /

MQ21 001

news / Grants 2003

news /

03.06.2003, 8.30 p.m.
Café Spojka, Prešernova 4, Bratislava

Awarding of one reaserch grant and two creative grants in the context of the opening of Československo.

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Books for Club Buryzone

news /

Čajakova ul. 11
81105 Bratislava
Wednesdays and Thursdays from 02 to 10 PM and on Fridays from 07 PM to 00 AM

Club Buryzone is highly active small scale art-club located in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, concentrated mainly in the areas of new media. We have decided to support their energy by providing publications for their and public use. Following publications are ready for study in the Multimedia Bookcase of club Buryzone...

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news /

Up in the skies of new bridge’s Café Bystrica, over the streamy waters of Danube river in Bratislava

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