CROCHET CLUB: Slow Shift Friday
//sessions in two Friday dates//
♦ 21.2.2025 // 16:00-18:30
Lecturer: Jaroslava Labudová
♦ 28.2.2025 // 16:00 - 18:30
Lecturer: Alexandra Kunert
Presented by: Katarína Mišíková and Dominika Moravčíková
Q & A with: Júlia Vrábľová
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Q & A session with Agnes Szanyi
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A collaborative learning session & community event /
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Seminar /
Seminar What About the Margins? prepared in the framework of the exhibition Looking a — way: Othering in/of the (semi)periphery focuses on (artistic) research of the complex history of the peripheral European regions through the lens of decoloniality.
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Book Release and a guided walk through Lido led by some of the authors of the book. /
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Lectures and open discussion forum on feminist instituting in the arts /
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Lectures by Kuba Szreder & open forum discussion /
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Online talk by Sophie Lewis, moderated by Hana Janečková /
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Discussion with Andrej Belák and Stano Daniel, moderated by Zuzana Jakalová /
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Inaugural lecture by Serina Tarkhanian Սերինա Թարխանյան /
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Interdisciplinary conversation within the framework of the “Solid is only a Word” exhibition /
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Lecture by Barbora Lungová at /
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A conversation between curators Ukhona Ntsali Mlandu and Alessandra Pomarico /
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a conversation between artist Saodat Ismailova and curator Alessandra Pomarico /
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lecture of Eliška Mazalanová /
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Online lecture by Stefanie Hessler / Q & A with Borbála Soós /
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Online lecture by Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz / Q & A with Zuzana Jakalová /
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Reading from the manuscript of the upcoming book /
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Online artists’ talk by We Work in the Dark (Luiza Prado de O. Martins & Obaro Ejimiwe) /
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Artists’ talk /performance by Goda Palekaitė & Adrijana Gvozdenović /
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Lecture by Françoise Vergès / Q & A: Ľubica Kobová and Zuzana Maďarová /
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Talks by Milena Khomchenko & Clemens Poole and Kateryna Aliinyk /
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Lecture by Aldo Ramos / Q & A with Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu /
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Lecture by Alessandra Pomarico /
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Online lecture by Angelos Varvarousis /
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Lecture by Lenka Kužvartová + Author reading by Dominika Moravčíková /
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Lecture by Sandra Bartoli /
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Talk and discussion /
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Online lecture /
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Discussion on performance, performativity and whether they are still alive. /
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A performative intervention in the exhibition We've Never Been Closer /
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Online lecture and discussion /
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Discussion with Kristina Andělová and Marek Mikuš /
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Discussion with Mária Janušová, Anna Remešová, Miloš Vojtěchovský /
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Discussion with Keiko Sei, János Sugár and Ferenc Gróf /
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Online lecture by Milena Bartlová /
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Online lecture & discussion /
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Lecture by İbrahim Arslan /
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Guided Botanic Tour through Lido with J. A. Šturma /
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The guided walk with architectural historian, Peter Szalay and human geographer Pavol Šuška /
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Tour of Lido with ornithologist Soňa Nuhličková /
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Artist Talk by Forensic Architecture (represented by Robert Trafford) /
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online lecture /
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lecture by Brian Holmes /
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online talk by Rossella Tricarico (Scuola del Terzo Luogo) /
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online seminar /
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Discussion with Lýdia Pribišová, environmentalist Andrea Froncová, ecologist Ján Topercer and biologist Ján Kadlečík /
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Workshop with Myriel Milicevic and Maud Canisius /
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Lectures, discussion, film screening /
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Guided Botanic Tour through Lido with J. A. Šturma /
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Lecture by Ľubica Kobová /
Can Butler’s performativity theory help us to understand the formation of working bodies and the possibility to subvert the existing organization of work, and if so, how?
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performance by Eduard Freudmann + discussion /
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invitation by Ján Ballx /
If we want to experience the future today, we have to avoid today’s vulnerability and despair.
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alternative education method with Jana Randa and Helena Kosková /
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book presentation /
Building community through food and cooking, on exploring the possibilities of creating a new social ecosystem.
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Lecture and workshop by Nora Sternfeld /
How can we take a stance from which we can imagine another possible future?
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lecture /
Date: June 12, 2019 at 6 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in Slovak.
The event is part of the program related to the exhibition Liquid Horizons on view at until July 6, 2019.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
The event was supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council.
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artist talk / screening / discussion /
Date: May 30, 2019 at 6 pm
Venue: Foajé, Štefánikova 16, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
Co-organized by and Kapitál.
The event is part of the program related to the exhibition Liquid Horizons on view at until July 6, 2019.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
The event was supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council.
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lecture and presentation /
Date: May 16, 2019 at 6pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in Slovak.
The event is part of the program related to the exhibition Liquid Horizons on view at until July 6, 2019.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
This project was supported by public funding provided by the Slovak Arts Council.
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artist talk and discussion /
Date: April 11, 2019 at 6 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in Slovak.
The event is part of the program related to the exhibition Liquid Horizons on view at from April 11 until July 6, 2019.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
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lecture performance /
Date: March 15, 2019 at 6 pm
Venue: Kalab, Zámocká 5, Bratislava
From 9 pm afterparty in Tepláreň café, Zámocká 30, Bratislava.
The event will be conducted in English.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
The event series has been supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Media partner of the project: QYS magazine; collaboration: NOMANTINELS Theater.
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lecture /
Date: March 6, 2019 at 6.30 pm
Venue: Café Berlinka, SNG, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
A collaboration project between and Open Studio program organized by Studio IN (AFAD, Bratislava).
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lecture /
Date: March 5, 2019, 6 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
The artist is a guest of from February 8 to March 8, 2019. He was invited to Bratislava to participate in Central & East Europe Calling project.
Central & East Europe Calling is co-organized by < rotor > center for contemporary art in Graz and the Directorate General for Culture of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.
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lecture /
Date: March 1, 2019, 6pm
Venue: Café Berlinka, SNG, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
The event is part of the program related to the exhibition QUEER STORIES on view at until March 16, 2019.
ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.
The event series has been supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Media partner of the project: QYS magazine; collaboration: NOMANTINELS Theater.
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lecture /
November 20, 2018 at 6pm
Venue: Café Berlinka, SNG, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
The lecture will be conducted in English.
A collaboration project between tranzit/sk and Studio IN (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program.
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lecture and seminar /
Cities and Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change: What Can Urban Sociology Bring to the Debate?
Slavomíra Ferenčuhová
October 25, 2018 at 5pm
Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, room nr. 117
October 26, 2018 between 9am and 3pm
Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava
To participate at the seminar, please register at by October 24!
A collaboration project between tranzit/sk, Department of Architecture, Institute of History, SAS a Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava.
The event will be conducted in Slovak.
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lectures and discussion /
Felix Stalder, Gerald Nestler, Axel Stockburger
Kristian Lukić
date: October 1, 2018 at 6pm
venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
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discussion /
September 12, 2018 at 5 pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Maj Horn, Nils Norman, Zora Pauliniová, Roman Javilák
Lýdia Pribišová
The event will be conducted in English.
A collaboration project between, PILOT and Dr. Ivan Dérer Elementary School in Bratislava
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performative lecture /
Jana Kapelová
July 12, 2018 at 5pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in Slovak
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public reading and discussion in the framework of the Start and Finish exhibition /
Community & Commoning Reading Group:
Judit Angel, Petra Balíková, Daniel Dida, Eliška Mazalanová, Zuzana Révészová
July 2,2018 at 6pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
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presentations and discussion within the framework of the Start and Finish exhibition /
June 1, 2018 at 5:30 pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
iLiana Fokianaki (skype), Lýdia Pribišová, Péter Szabó, Teri Szűcs
Kristína Országhová
The event will be conducted in English.
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public reading and discussion in the framework of the Start and Finish exhibition /
Art and Work Reading Group:
Judit Angel, Petra Balíková, Kristína Kállayová, Eliška Mazalanová, Petr Mezihorák, Kristína Országhová
May 23, 2018 at 6pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
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public reading and discussion in the framework of the Start and Finish exhibition /
New Institutionalism Reading Group:
Judit Angel, Petra Balíková, Lucia Gavulová, Mira Keratová, Eliška Mazalanová
May 3, 2018 at 6m, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
The event will be conducted in English.
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lecture, bicycle tour and discussion /
April 26, 2018, 6pm
Faculty of Architecture STU, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, room n. 5
WHICH MODERNISM? Legacies of modernisms in post-socialist cities
bicycle tour and discussion
April 27, 2018, 1-5 pm
start: 1pm, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, entrance of Faculty of Architecture STU
A collaboration project between, Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava and Department of Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
The events will be conducted in English.
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lecture /
Alexandra Pirici
April 20, 2018 at 6pm
Kunsthalle Bratislava, Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava
A collaboration project between tranzit/sk, Studio IN (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program, and Kunsthalle Bratislava.
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discussion /
January 18, 2018 at 5pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Robert Gabriš, Ladislava Gažiová, Oto Hudec, Ondřej Chrobák, Emília Rigová, Anita Topínková
Eliška Mazalanová
The discussion will be conducted in Slovak and Czech.
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lecture and workshop /
4.12. 2017, 17:00
Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava,
Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, room nr. 117
for students of architecture and related disciplines
5.12. 2017, 10:00 – 16:00
Participation is free of charge. To participate, please register at by December 3th!
The events will be conducted in English.
A collaboration project between and Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava.
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Seminar /
Presentations by
Dave Beech, Valeria Graziano, Alenka Gregorič, Rado Ištok, Mira Keratová
followed by discussion with the artists and the curators of the exhibition
Collection Collective. Template for a Future Model of Representation
11 October 2017 at 5pm
venue: Kunsthalle KLUB, Nám. SNP 12, Bratislava
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lecture within the exhibition KOZMIKOMIKS /
Date: June 29, 2017 at 6 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Lecturer: Kristian Lukić
The lecture will be conducted in English.
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discussion /
Date: May 4, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Dalibor Bača, Zuzana Hlávková,
Martin Škop
Zuzana Révészová
The discussion will be conducted in Slovak.
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lecture and workshop /
Nodes of Transformation and Transition
Date: 20.4. 2017, 17:00
Venue: Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, room nr. 117
Lecturers: Michael Hieslmair, Michael Zinganel
A collaboration project between and Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava .
The lecture will be conducted in English.
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lecture and screening within the exhibition Playing Hide and Law /
6 pm : Avi Feldman: Playing Hide and Law, lecture in, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
8 pm :The Moscow Trials, film screening directed by Milo Rau,
Germany 2014, 86 min, Russian and German with English subtitles, at A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry, Karpatská 2, Bratislava
The lecture will be conducted in English.
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lecture /
Date: 30.3. 2017 at 16:00
Venue: Café Berlinka, SNG, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
A collaboration project between tranzit/sk and Studio IN (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program.
The lecture will be conducted in English
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lecture /
date: February 22, 2017 at 5 pm
venue: Café Berlinka, SNG, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
A collaboration project between and Studio IN (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program.
The lecture will be conducted in English.
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lectures and round table discussion /
with Lucy Steeds, Jelena Vesić, Daniel Grúň, Mira Keratová and Zsuzsa László
date: February 16, 2017 at 5pm
venue: A4 – space for contemporary culture, Karpatská 2, Bratislava
Before the event, a guided tour of the exhibition Sitting Together by the exhibition curator Zsuzsa László will take place in tranzit/sk (Beskydská 12, Bratislava) at 4pm.
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Guided tour and discussion with László Beke, Ľubomír Ďurček and Květa Fulierová /
Date: January 18, 2017, 5-7 pm
Venue:, Beskydská 12, 81105 Bratislava
Participants: László Beke, Ľubomír Ďurček, Petra Feriancová, Květa Fulierová, Zsuzsa László
The event will be conducted in Slovak and English with interpreting.
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The Productivity of Crime for Cultural Industries, Art, Architecture, and Urban Design /
Date: November 23, 2016, 5 pm
Venue: Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava,
Námestie slobody 19, room nr. 117
A collaboration project between and Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava
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Symposium and guided tour /
Guided tour
Date: 15.11.2016, 5 pm
Venue:, Beskdyská 12, Bratislava
Date: 15.11.2016, 6 pm
Venue: A4-priestor súčasnej kultúry, Karpatská 2, Bratislava
Participants: Miroslava Hlinčíková, Marta Edith Holečková, Matěj Nytra
Moderator: Tereza Stejskalová
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Two-session workshop with Åsa Sonjasdotter and Ingela Johansson / Summary with Lívia Páldi /
Date: October 27th, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Address:, Beskydska 12, 81105 Bratislava
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With Ingela Johansson, Lívia Páldi and Åsa Sonjasdotter / presentations and moderated discussion /
Date: October 26th, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Address: Café Berlinka, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 33/4, 811 02 Bratislava
Organized by:
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Lecture, screening, discussion /
Lecture, screening, discussion
13.09.2016, 5:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Cinema Mladost‘
Hviezdoslavovo námestie 171/17, 811 02 Bratislava
Screening Zlaté Piesky Rocket Launch, 2015, 10 min
The lecture and discussion will be held in English.
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05.05.2016, 5 pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Participants: Marta Botíková, Csaba Szaló
Moderator: Zuzana Révészová
The discussion will be conducted in Slovak.
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A collaboration project between and Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava /
Date: 28.04.2016, 6pm
Venue :Faculty of Architecture, STU, Námestie slobody 19, Bratislava, foyer FA STU
Lecture will be held in English.
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booklet presentation & discussion /
13.04.2016, 6 pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Participants: Andreas Spiegl & Christian Teckert, Office of Cognitive Urbanism (OCU), Vienna, Katarína Smatanová architect, Faculty of Architecture, STU Bratislava)
Moderated by: Dominika Belanská, architect, curator
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joint guided tours of the exhibitions
5:00 pm, Guided tour within the exhibition Fear of the Unknown in Dom umenia/Kunsthalle Bratislava, followed by a walk to
6:30 pm, Guided tour within the exhibition Ghosts of the Civil Dead in, followed by an informal discussion with the audience
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Guided tour and discussion
in the framework of the exhibition
Ghosts of the Civil Dead. Picturing the Society of Exclusion
March 23, 2016, 5:30 – 8:00 pm, Beskydská 12, 81105 Bratislava
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Lecture & discussion
09.03.2016, 5pm
Venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 Room nr. 135
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On curating, boycotts, withdrawals and political upheavals /
March 3, 2016, 5 pm, Berlinka, Slovak National Gallery
Square Ľudovíta Štúra 4, 81102 Bratislava
A collaboration project between and Studio IN(Department of Intermedia and Multimedia}, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program.
Joanna Warsza is supported by Polish institut in Bratislava
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February 26, 2016 at 5 pm
Faculty of Architecture, STU, Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava
Room nr. 117
A collaboration project between and Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava.
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Russia's Post-Soviet Performance Art /
Lecture & discussion
24.02.2016, 5pm
Address: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Room nr. 135
The most important cultural currents of Russian modern and contemporary art morphed into unmistakable local forms which differ from the "parallels" or "patterns" of their resources. This was the case not only with Conceptualism and Pop Art, but also with Performance Art.
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Ecological Perspectives in East European Art /
February 16, 2016, 5 pm, Berlinka, Slovak National Gallery
Square Ľudovíta Štúra 4, 81102 Bratislava
A collaboration project between and Studio IN (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) in the context of the Open Studio program
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A Bratislava walk lead by artist Oto Hudec for the exhibition Walking without Footprints /
A Bratislava walk lead by artist Oto Hudec for the exhibition Walking without Footprints
21 January 2016, 2 - 3:30 pm
Meeting point:, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Followed by a guided tour of the exhibition by curators Maja and Reuben Fowkes at 5 pm.
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international symposium /
October 21-22, 2015 in Café Berlinka, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4
October 23, 2015 in “Sklenofka” Space, Trnava, Trhová 2
The international symposium CONJUNCTIONS OF CURATING AND ART EDUCATION examines new approaches within contemporary art curating significantly merged with (art) education.
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We cordially invite you to the talk given by Ján Budaj about his illegal travels behind the Iron Curtain in 70s’, with introduction by curator Mira Keratová and further archival material.
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Armin Medosch: Art and Technopolitics / Kristian Lukić: Autonomies /
Armin Medosch: Art and Technopolitics
This theoretical and methodological lecture explains why a technopolitical understanding of social change is necessary for contemporary theories of art and media.
Kristian Lukić: Autonomies
The lecture will provide a short overview of history of ideas of the concept of autonomy in technoecological sense.
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Stalker /Giulia Fiocca/ and Jürgen Rendl together with invite you to a TALK ABOUT THE WALK:
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Project investigates the changing destiny of post-war modernist architecture: the research demonstrates how the reception of post-war modern architecture in Central and Easter Europe fades into the memory of the state-socialism.
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Art of action in the urban space during the period of Normalization in Slovakia /
lecture & discussion
22. 04 2015, 6 pm
Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Lecture with a discussion on Ján Kralovič’s recently published book: The Territory of the Street (Urban action art in Slovakia 1965-1989).
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Uhuru: a meeting with the Mozambique Film Archive /
Lecture & discussion
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18
Room no 220
Catarina Simão (b. 1972) is an Lisbon-based artist whose practice is built upon long term research projects that entail collaborative partnerships and different forms of presentation to the public, such as art installations, screenings, participatory workshops and talks.
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Branislav Dimitrijević holds the position of Professor of Art History and Cultural Theory at the School for Art and Design (“Visoka škola likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti”) and lectures part-time at Academia Nova in Belgrade. At the University of Arts in Belgrade, he leads a course on Curatorial practice. Main fields of his theoretical and curatorial interest are visual theory and visual culture, art in public space and relations of common culture to politics and ideology.
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A dialogue on the relation of ownership and authorship, architecture and reasoning by Office of Cognitive Urbanism, Vienna (Andreas Spiegl and Christian Teckert) /
Our project will reflect the neighbourhood of authorship and ownership, the reason and the house. We want to question the consequences of this relation, what it means if the reason becomes a temporal house, a house that always belongs to someone else.
Andreas Spiegl
Office of Cognitive Urbanism
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discussion /
14.10., 2014, 6 pm
Address:, Beskydská 12, 81105, Bratislava
Vít Havránek, art historian and curator, director of, Prague
Angelika Richter, independent curator and art historian based in Berlin
Zora Bútorová, sociologist based in Bratislava
Ilona Németh, artist, professor at AFAD, Bratislava
The discussion will be held in English.
We can say that in the 20th century, the status of documentary practices in photography and film was that of a veristic discipline mechanically capturing the moment. This veristic nature of documentary was appropriated by art, or it has temporarily became art under the pressure of artistic manifestations and interpretations. Following the ‘documentary turn, the dilemma of the discourse on the moment’s verism and art’s authenticity loses its meaningfulness. One of the trajectories of the documentary turnaround is the documentary approach to the construction of memory and histories.
This is also the path taken by the work of Ilona Németh, entitled Rudolf Szabó (Rezső Szabó), (2014). Its main protagonist, the author’s uncle, ponders the peripeties of the leftist reformism in the wake of the soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia. He is also describing his long-term activities in the field of national minorities’ equalisation during the Socialism era, as well as shortly after 1989. The panellists will discuss Ilona Németh’s work in the light of wider contexts – the differentiated view of the reformist movement in 1968, the documentary practices in relation to memory as a signifying chain, as well as in the relation between the real social engagement and its documentary representation.
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Book presentation and roundtable discussion:
Guests: Louisa Avgita (Thessaloniki), Cristian Nae (Iasi), Suzana Milevska (Skopje, Vienna)
Moderation: Mária Orišková
The discussion will be held in English., Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Thursday, October 9, 2014, 6:00 PM
Published by Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers, Frankfurt am Main and Veda, SAS Publishing House, Bratislava 2013.
The publication has been produced within the scope of the PATTERNS Lectures project, initiated by ERSTE Foundation and implemented by WUS Austria.
Concept and editor: Mária Orišková
Authors: Louisa Avgita, Kelly Presutti, Cristian Nae, Mária Orišková, Gábor Ébli, Piotr Piotrowski, Zdenka Badovinac, Steven ten Thije, Andrzej Szczerski, Izabela Kowalczyk, Branka Stipančić, Edit András, Jana Ševčíková, Jiří Ševčík, Suzana Milevska, Zuzana Štefková
Translation and proofreading: Elena McCullough
Layout: Ján Šicko
ISBN 978-3-631-64218-4
ISBN 978-80-224-1325-1
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Presentation of publication: / and guests cordially invite you to the book launch
Galéria Ganku
Edited by Daniel Grúň
English/Slovak. Translated by John Minahane. Design: An Endless Supply. Published by Schlebrügge.Editor, Vienna, 2014. 124 p, numerous illustrations in b/w and colour, 297 x 210 mm, softcover. ISBN 978-3-902833-55-6
Café Berlinka (Slovak National Gallery, Esterhazy Palace, Štúrovo sq. 4)
Wednesday, June 25 at 6 pm
Guests: An Endless Supply (UK), Milan Adamčiak (SK), Květoslava Fulierová (SK), Peter Meluzin (SK), Johannes Schlebrügge (AU)
Moderation: Daniel Grúň
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Discussion /
What Practices do We Need?
June 11, 2014, 6 pm
Farewell Reception
June 11, 2014, 8 – 10 pm
with DJ Pixy
tranzit workshops
Studená 12, Bratislava
Shuttle bus from Slovak National Museum,
Vajanského riverbank, Bratislava
at 17:30; back: at 22:00
The discussion takes place within the framework of the exhibition The Need for Practice, which concentrates on the necessity of re-thinking the relation between theory and practice, symbolic resistance and direct action, art and activism, and builts on self-organisation viewed as a meaningful practice, that allows for linking individual initiative to common interest, while manitaining diversity and difference.
Moderator: Anne Szefer Karlsen, curator, currently director of Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen, Norway;
Participants: Jana Kapelová, artist, cultural activist and journalist, Prague/Bratislava; Szabolcs KissPál, artist, member of Free Artists, Budapest; Michal Moravčik, artist, member of Public Pedestal, Bratislava; Jonas Staal, visual artist, founder of The New World Summit, Rotterdam; Raluca Voinea, curator, co-director of, Bucharest, editor of idea. arts + society magazine, Cluj.
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Discussion and screening / would like to invite you to the discussion
Committed to Change
art as social work / discussion and screening /
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Dead Weights and other Pressures /
March 5, 2014, at 5.00 p.m. Berlinka, Slovak National Gallery
Square Ľudovíta Štúra 4, 81102 Bratislava
In his lecture, Ciprian Mureşan will present the main directions of his work and will elaborate on his latest projects based on a particular handling of drawing as both product and operating tool in a nexus of references and positioning.
Lecture will be held in English.
read more / would like to invite you to the workshop Art in the Liquid Time II.
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Josef Dabernig in discussion with Christian Kravagna, Daniel Grúň and Judit Angel /
NOVEMBER 7, at 5. pm
Address: Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, Bratislava
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Lecture room 135
Discussion will be held in English
A collaboration project with Studio IN
(Department of Intermedia and Multimedia) in the context of the Open
Studio program
philosophical workshop / presents workshop:
Art in Liquid Time I.
20th, 21st and 22nd November 2012
Film and Television Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts
Svoradova 2
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The Július Koller Society and the Slovak National Gallery are proud to present the first international conference on the oeuvre of Július Koller (1939–2007) /
Date: 23–26 April 2009
In its stringency, obsession and peculiarity, the oeuvre of Július Koller is one of the most erratic and consistent in European art since the 1960s. Yet Koller is not only a seminal figure in the history of the neo- and post-avant-garde; his work has long been a critical inspiration for artists and intellectuals. In the most recent past, Kollers concepts of the Anti-Happening, the Anti-Picture, the Universal-cultural Futurological Operation (U.F.O.), his actions, objects, texts and the enormous referential archive he built up, have attracted growing interest on the part of a broader art public, and his works have found their way into major collections and museums all over Europe and beyond.
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(only in Slovak and Czech)
philosophical seminario
10. decembra - 13. decembra, 2007
v budove Filmovej a televíznej fakulty Vysokej školy múzických umení v Bratislave, Svoradova ulica č. 1
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lecture - performance /
3.00 p.m.
documenta 12
Halle - Kabinet
Kassel, Germany
Three topless Central-European intellectuals perform a piece about a
voice 1 Vit Havránek
voice 2 Boris Ondreička
voice 3 Cosmin Costinas
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workshop /
24th August - 7th September 2007
13 kubikov, tranzit workshops & tranzit ateliers
Studena 12, Zlate piesky, Bratislava,
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lectures & projects /
tranzit dielne | workshops
Studena 12, Bratislava
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení
Hviezdoslavovo Nam 15, Bratislava
Vysoká škola muzickych umení
Svoradova 1, Bratislava
open from Wed. to Sat.
from 15:00 to 18:00
curated by
Stefan Kalmar & Daniel Pies
Kunstverein München (DE)
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lecture & discussion /
13.05.2006, 6 p.m.
Mumok, Vienna and tranzit dielne/workshop, Studena 12, Bratislava
On publications, exhibitions and blind spots in the discourse on Central and South-Eastern Europe
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lecture & exhibition /
tranzit workshops, Studena 12, Bratislava, SK
Clémentine Deliss, critic, curator, anthropologist, etnologist, pedagogue
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lecture & discussion /
tranzit workhops, Studena 12, Bratislava
The 2nd in the series of panels on the context of institutional interaction with public, this time on reflexion of arts in periodicals.
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lecture & discussion /
03.12.2004, 5 p.m.
tranzit dielne/workshops, Studena 12, Bratislava
Kathrin Rhomberg (at/de), director of Kölnischer Kunstverein: IN THE SPACES OF SHOW BET ON THAT, YOU...
Igor Zabel (si), curator and critic, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana: ...CURATORIAL PRACTICE IN THE FRAME / OUT OF FRAME OF INSTITUTIONAL CREATIVITY...
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lecture & discussion /
29.11.2004 - 01.12.2004 | všmu | ffuk
invite you to the workshop
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lecture & discussion /
21.10.2004, 4 p.m.
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 17, Bratislava, room 135, 1st floor
René Block, director of Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, speaks about Balkan and Others
afterwards screening of the unique film of the Bulgarian documentary-maker Adela Peeva: Whose is this Song? (2003, Camera: Joro Nedelkov, produced by: Slobodan Milovanovich, Paul Pauwels, 70 min.)
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lecture & discussion / screening /
19.06.2004, 3 p.m.
Nulty priestor a4, Burundi (ex v-klub), Nam. snp 12, Bratislava
Robert Fleck (at/f/de), director of Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
Thomas Hirschhorn (ch/f), artist, paris
with a screening of: Thomas Hirschhorn, Video-Documentation 1993-2003, 35 min.
language: english / slovak
entrance free
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lecture & discussion /
20.05.2004, 3 p.m.
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 17,
Bratislava, room 135, 1st floor
Catherine David (f/nl), Witte de With, Rotterdam
Mária Hlavajová (sk/nl), Basis voor actuelle kunst, Utrecht
lecture & discussion /
Lectures by Josef Fulka, Francois Soulage, Roland Barthes, Miroslav Marcelli, Peter Michalovič, Miroslav Petříček
Concept: Miroslav Marcelli
For more detailed information please check the Slovak calendar.
lecture & discussion /
Café Bratislava
Künstlerhaus Wien
tranzit lecture
in the context of the exhibition Stadt in Sicht
curated by Anna Soucek and Henny Liebhart
Boris Ondreička - artist, executive director of, Bratislava
Vít Havránek - curator, executive director of, Prague
Ján Mančuška - artist, musician, Prague
Jesper Alvaer - artists, Oslo - Prague - ...
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