

Exhibition at tranzit sk

Curated by Diana Klepoch Majdáková

Opening: 19 September 2024, 7 pm
19.09 – 01.11.2024

Venue: tranzit sk, Beskydská 12, Bratislava
Open: Tuesday – Friday: 2:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Stigmatization, defamation, and incitement of resistance against LGBTIQA+ people are among the main tools of populist politics. A survey conducted by the European Commission shows that almost 60% of the Slovak population believes that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals should not have the same rights as heterosexual people. This places us at the very bottom among all EU countries. The current political situation and its key figures are causing Slovak society to sink even deeper in this regard. Paradoxically, after the terrorist murder of Juraj Vankulič and Matúš Horváth in front of the Tepláreň bar, the general public's attitude towards the rights of LGBTIQA+ people did not improve; in many respects, it got worse.

The work of Tomáš Rafa serves as an important memento that grows in significance over time. He has been documenting and processing video material for many years, capturing protests and demonstrations either in support of or against the rights of minorities. In addition presenting works that reflect expressions of intolerance in public spaces, and conversely, public expressions of support from ordinary people or public figures, the exhibition offers guidance on how to get involved in community activities, defend oneself against attacks, and join the wave of solidarity and tangible support for LGBTIQA+ individuals in Slovakia.

In addition to the visual presentation, the Over the Rainbow exhibition will serve as a useful information point, a temporary "safe space" — a meeting place for LGBTIQA+ people, a place for discussions, supportive and accepting conversations, but most importantly, a place for discovering and intertwining various life situations connected with minority sexuality and gender identity.

Tomáš Rafa is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Banská Bystrica and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In his audiovisual work, he explores sensitive social topics and border situations defined by nationalism, racism, and xenophobia in Eastern Europe. His time-lapse audiovisual archive Nový nacionalizmus v srdci Európy (New Nationalism in the Heart of Europe) has been exhibited in galleries at home and abroad (SNG Bratislava 2012, Berlin Biennale 2012, Moderna Museet Stockholm 2016, MoMA PS1 New York 2017, MOCAK gallery Krakow 2022, Yokohama Triennale 2024). He was the recipient of the Oskár Čepan Award in 2011.

Diana Klepoch Majdáková works in the cultural and non-profit sector as an initiator and coordinator of artistic, educational, and other activities. As a member of the non-governmental organization Liga za duševné zdravie (League for Mental Health), she leads a program for psychologically safe schools. She was the curator and director of the NASUTI festival of art and sustainability; she also co-created the program of the Nová Cvernovka creative center, and has collaborated as a lecturer and participant in several other educational projects about art. She co-founded and led the curatorial project of art in the public space Neviditeľná Štiavnica (Invisible Štiavnica). She is the author of texts, lectures, reviews, catalogues, and articles on art and culture.

ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.

Project was supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council (in the form of scholarship), Bratislava City Foundation and Internal Grant System of Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

Media partners:, Flash Art CZ & SK, Kapitál,