
BEST BEFORE: One Year Later

booklet presentation & discussion

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13.04.2016, 6 pm, Beskydská 12, Bratislava

Participants: Andreas Spiegl & Christian Teckert, Office of Cognitive Urbanism (OCU), Vienna, Katarína Smatanová architect, Faculty of Architecture, STU Bratislava)

Moderated by: Dominika Belanská, architect, curator

The presentation and discussion will be held in English.

It was April 18th in 2015, a day that the Office of Cognitive Urbanism (OCU) considered as the imaginary date for the closure of at its current location in Bratislava. It was also the imaginary starting point for the search of new locations for, a search that was undertaken in the context of a workshop by OCU at

One year later, it will be April 13th, 2016
, when OCU will present a booklet documenting the lecture and workshop by OCU at We will have a discussion with OCU (Andreas Spiegl & Christian Teckert) moderated by Dominika Belanská, with the participation of Katarína Smatanová, reflecting issues of a project-based culture, the hegemony of projects and temporality in arts, architecture and institutions. Embedded in a sequence of visual arguments the discussion will refer to fissures between temporality and hegemony and to the meaning of algorithms as a metaphor of contemporary productions of temporalities, a mode of maintenance by moving from one project to the next one.